May be your flight is
FD3074 Air asia?
As I check flight schedule have o=
nly this flight landing at 6:05PM
Dear Vaudaux Marion,
I have known your reservation al=
But you do not have a response l=
ike not receive our email.
Please let me know that you have=
read this email.
31st january 2018 6:05 waiting you at airport by show your name in A4 paper at Domes=
tic gate.3rd febru=
ary 2018 10:00AM for domestic flight 9:00AM for international=
Price is 2,099THB / each Payment by cash to driverFirst time to hear your flight no. what is flight type such as compa=
ny or something?
Best Regards,
Putti Nanktongkul
+6698 8657277
Message Body:
I booked a van for 2 persons from krabi airport to koh lanta at lanta rivie=
ra resort for the 31st january. Our flight from chiang mai (VJ 106) W=
ill arrive at 6:05 pm, around what time do you think we Will be at ou=
r hotel on koh lanta ?
Is it possible to book the same van to go back to krabi airport on the 3rd =
february to take a flight at 1:30 pm? At what time do we have to book the v=
an ?
Thank you and see you soon
This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Taxi Transfer Krabi (http://www.taxitransferkrabi.com)
May be your flight is
FD3074 Air asia?
As I check flight schedule have o=
nly this flight landing at 6:05PM
Dear Vaudaux Marion,
I have known your reservation al=
But you do not have a response l=
ike not receive our email.
Please let me know that you have=
read this email.
31st january 2018 6:05 waiting you at airport by show your name in A4 paper at Domes=
tic gate.3rd febru=
ary 2018 10:00AM for domestic flight 9:00AM for international=
Price is 2,099THB / each Payment by cash to driverFirst time to hear your flight no. what is flight type such as compa=
ny or something?
Best Regards,
Putti Nanktongkul
+6698 8657277
Message Body:
I booked a van for 2 persons from krabi airport to koh lanta at lanta rivie=
ra resort for the 31st january. Our flight from chiang mai (VJ 106) W=
ill arrive at 6:05 pm, around what time do you think we Will be at ou=
r hotel on koh lanta ?
Is it possible to book the same van to go back to krabi airport on the 3rd =
february to take a flight at 1:30 pm? At what time do we have to book the v=
an ?
Thank you and see you soon
This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Taxi Transfer Krabi (http://www.taxitransferkrabi.com)
Dear Vaudaux Marion,
I have known your reservation alr=
But you do not have a response li=
ke not receive our email.
Please let me know that you have =
read this email.
31st january 2018 6:05 waiting you at airport by show your name in A4 paper at Dome=
stic gate.3rd feb=
ruary 2018 10:00AM for domestic flight 9:00AM for internation=
al flight.?
Price is 2,099THB / each Payment by cash to driverFirst time to hear your flight no. what is flight type such as compa=
ny or something?
Best Regards,
Putti Nanktongkul
+6698 8657277
Message Body:
I booked a van for 2 persons from krabi airport to koh lanta at lanta rivie=
ra resort for the 31st january. Our flight from chiang mai (VJ 106) W=
ill arrive at 6:05 pm, around what time do you think we Will be at ou=
r hotel on koh lanta ?
Is it possible to book the same van to go back to krabi airport on the 3rd =
february to take a flight at 1:30 pm? At what time do we have to book the v=
an ?
Thank you and see you soon
This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Taxi Transfer Krabi (http://www.taxitransferkrabi.com)